"What we have really lost today is the time to think, to reflect" | 'When I have time' reviewed by BooksThroughTheLens

'When I have time' reviewed by Books Through The Lens 

"What we have really lost today is the time to think, to reflect."

I always felt that in today's fast moving world we are always short of time. No time to read, no time to talk, no time to love.. However on reading this story I realized that what we have really lost today is the time to think, to reflect.

There are 2 things I loved about the story:

1) The author call his character Mr.B. Avoiding the use of a concrete name, in my opinion, the author hints that this is the story of almost every overambitious soul today running in a rat race not reflecting on what they really want and what and who really matters.

2) The author alludes to plenty sights, smells and noises in his story. Due to this while reading the story I could feel the chaos and commotion both within and around Mr.B. The reader is given a taste of the burden of stimuli on the senses of character.

I would recommend everyone to read this story and spend some time alone with their thoughts.

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