Latest Review | The Last Nomad

Here's the latest review of The Last Nomad by Dalvi Namita​ and Shobha Dravid!

Glad you enjoyed the book. With this the book now achieves a Goodreads rating of 4.71. :-)

"The Last Nomad, book is indeed very engaging ...storyline has all emotions from love to respect... mainly highlighting a woman’s role in everyone’s life and also respect that she deserves to be given....A must read book..."
-Namita Dalvi

"Heramb, your book, is enthralling, to put it mildly. It runs the whole gamut of experiences, from the mundane to the mystical. Rahul's childhood experiences are so true to what's happening in poor people's lives, and as Ryan, his poetry and his spiritual glimpses are what I identified with."
‐Shobha Dravid

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- The Last Nomad
