Paris Terrorist Attacks | PM Modiji Are You and Your Citizens Listening?

Writers must not always be lost in their solitude. When time comes they must relentlessly write against the wrong. They are a part of the society.

Yes, I know this is not a story or a beautiful romantic poem. However saddening it may be, but we must speak about this today. NOW.

Since the Paris attacks happened I see a lot of "Praying for Paris victims" posts. Prayers are the first emotional response. Nothing against them. But we pray and forget.

Going beyond prayers and sympathy, India needs to learn from this incident and further push its efforts towards Zero Tolerance Against Terrorism.

Terrorist attacks are not a border security issue. Can happen anywhere right from your local malls to colleges and theatres.
Let the government do its part. But are we vigilant enough as citizens?? 

When we don't care to switch off the fans when getting down from our 12/15/17 coach local trains which burn up loads of electricity, who cares to give a damn about an unidentified baggage? Of course "Do we have time for all these. And what is the police there for?"

Some 400 million people have zero access to electricity. You can read it here:

Once lives are lost we march with candles in hand and the media covers it beautifully. Tweets, Likes, Shares and Email Protests. THE END.

India is more than a society of emotion, religion, arts, celebrities and spirituality: a society of vigilant activists and amazing human beings. 

PM Modiji are you listening? And most importantly is the Indian in you who becomes patriotic on 15th August, 26th January and during the Cricket World Cup matches, listening???

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#parisattacks #ZeroToleranceAgainstTerrorism #PMModi
